NWOMTA Teacher Exchange Fest, Saturday, Oct-9-2021

OhioMTA Northwest District > Uncategorized > NWOMTA Teacher Exchange Fest, Saturday, Oct-9-2021

An idea-sharing event for area piano teachers

You are invited to a half-day sharing event for area piano teachers to exchange their best teaching tips. This event will feature a series of mini presentations offered by OMTA Northwest District members in addition to a special presentation by guest speaker Amy Chaplin. Join us to share ideas, discuss fresh teaching tips, and enjoy lunch with one another!

DATE: Saturday, October 9, 2021, 8:30am-1:30pm 

LOCATION: Bowling Green Alliance Church, 1161 Napoleon Rd, Bowling Green, OH 43402

COST: $25 registration fee ($15 for students with ID) payable by check, cash, or Venmo when checking in at the event. Checks should be made out to Northwest District OMTA.

REGISTRATION: Registration can be completed using the following google form. Registration must be completed by October 1st.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEUEboDXUeDsDl3ijyO_QsKyRcDVWf Fg2xGKlDMB2x7CRrvA/viewform?usp=sf_link

A potluck lunch will take place following the presentations. Please let us know if you can contribute food or supplies for this event by adding your name to the sign up document using the following link.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eZLyXDNJDd_F0w2QhPikmU9ll7EAMDOn5z ieSUetfgo/edit?usp=sharing

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